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prison punk

A prison punk is usually a small nonviolent male inmate that is bullied into becoming a bigger and stronger man's property. Once the prison punk is forced into submission by the cell bully, he will serve the bully on command. It is not uncommon for the prison punk to be the bully's slave in every possible way. The punk is often forced to clean his bully's toilet and the bully's entire cell. The prison punk will also be forced to pay the cell bully protection money and do all the bully's laundry if he doesn't want the bully to beat him up. The cell bully will often write his punk's girlfriend outside of prison telling her everything the bully his forcing the punk to do on a regular basis.

1. You better clean my cell punk.
2. I want this laundry done by noon today, prison punk.
3. Give me your girlfriend's name punk, I think I'll write to her and tell her everything I force my prison punk to do.

by Markina Carrson October 26, 2007

114๐Ÿ‘ 39๐Ÿ‘Ž

Punked out

To be made a fool of.

I got punked out by some kid at the arcade, bragging about his skills. And he delivered.

by D. Bruch December 15, 2008

49๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

Emo Punk

Emo Punk or Emo is Punk is a saying use to show others (mostly those that hate Emo) that Emo is a sub-genre of Punk music.

The saying Emo Punk, or Emo is Punk is use by people to show others that Emo is a sub-genre of Hardcore Punk.

Person one. Emo Punk.

Person two. Why are you saying that?

Person one. To show others that Emo is Punk music.

Person two. Oh so Emo is Punk.

Person one. Duh yeah; now u got it.

by Freak Punk June 17, 2006

1209๐Ÿ‘ 506๐Ÿ‘Ž

pop punk

oh my god. its just a genre of music. get over it.

get over the fact that the name is an oxymoron. maybe it was supposed to be that way.

get over the fact that you dont think its cool, other people do.

not all people who listen to it think they're being punk. SOME people listen to music because they think it sounds good, not because theyre trying to represent something.

all of the people trying to steer people who like pop punk in another direction should stop. pop punk is just an alternative to punk. nobody cares if you think its good. let people make their music. dont listen to it if you dont want to.

any bands who consider themselves pop punk.

by whatever632 August 9, 2009

223๐Ÿ‘ 84๐Ÿ‘Ž

punk chic

Short-lived fashion trend popular with mostly female preteens and typified by fraudulent "punk artists" such as Avril Lavigne, Lillix, etc.

Punk chic is the desire to appear rebellious or hardcore, while also appearing cute or attractive. Unlike classic punk, the mowhawk doesn't feature, the basic uniform consists of flat-ironed hair, either undyed or with a wussy wash out colour applied to it, heavy eyeliner, pink or imitation leather cuffs from Hot Topic or Claire's, sweatbands, Converse All Stars and a tanktop or shirt, either imitation vintage or featuring a band that the wearer does not listen to. Younger punk chic followers are normally seen wearing shirts with moronic slogans like "Girls Rock" or "Punk Kitty".

They are either unashamedly pop oriented or appear to be credible by professing to like a list of bands that their older siblings listen to.

Many pioneers of this blip in fashion history have since ditched the ties and gone gothic chic since Avril is out and Evanescence is in.

Punk chic has no bearing on any other form of punk.

"I'm going punk chic to impress those hot skaters. RAWK ON!"

by Clairefaerie May 21, 2004

82๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž


Afro-punkโ€”(n.) (Adj.)

1. A person of Black or African decent who adheres to both an Afrocentricโ€”African pride and knowledge of Black contributions throughout historyโ€”and punk ideology, such as antiestablishment and antiauthoritarian political beliefs; corporate disdain and distrust of law enforcement.

Common characteristics of afropunks include wearing hair in a natural, chemical-free state such as afros, twists, braids, or dreadlocks; multiple piercings often running down the entire ear and/or unusual piercings such as septum rings, tragus, nape, and dermal anchors not normally seen on Black people; stretched earlobes; turbans and head wraps; vegetarianism; eclectic taste in music including all genres and decades; activism in community; skateboarding and surfing; love of travel/ wanderlust; and marijuana use.
Afropunks also tend to date and marry outside of their race and/or nationality, which differentiates them from traditional Afro centrism. Afropunks often lead nontraditional and bohemian lifestyles, often choosing entrepreneurship and/or artistic careers as musicians, actors, writers, indie filmmakers, or spoken word artists.

2. A person with an Afro-punk mentality but does not necessarily display any outward afropunk characteristics

โ€œSkipping class to get baked and then go to a Soundgarden concert is so Afro-punk.โ€

โ€œGrowing your dreads out over your ears so that you wonโ€™t have to remove your piercings for work is so Afro-punk.โ€

by Splyce January 5, 2010

31๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Punk Card

When someone calls you out and dares you to step up, usually in front of a lot of people. If you say no, you just got labeled a punk.

Person 1:Dude, you gonna pick that up?
Person 2: Pick what up?
Person 1: That punk card he just laid down in front of your ass.

by complaint department manager August 29, 2008

31๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž