Source Code

what did you do

used to ask someone what they have just been doing.

What did you do, I asked you.

by Debskelly1985 March 1, 2023

10👍 6👎

I just did a Ryan

Ryan is a term used when playing cod to say your teammate sucks ass, dies, or is very bad in general

Oh I just did a Ryan

by YourNansANun November 15, 2020

what did he say???

It's the meme that high school freshman use when someone says something fucked up/

Me: What's 12 x 3

My Friend: 41

Me: What did he say???

by itsWhip February 9, 2021

why did you say no?

because i said no.

thomas: why did you say no?

greg: because i said no.

by oofperson September 28, 2019

Yuga Fuga Diddy Did

A broad definition used to characterize the phenotype of above water "flower like" fresh water "red marine algae species" white male orchids haven't developed a lexicon for on friday afternoons.

Thats the loveliest Yuga Fuga Diddy Did I've never seen before.

by auntision July 11, 2020

Did that float your vine

What to ask when you want to know if something was extremely cool and amazing or any other emotion

“I just saw this video dude watch!”
“Omg that was hilarious!”
“I know, did that float your vine?!”

“Chad just broke up with me”
“Oh did that float your vine”

by Tribe gang September 13, 2019

Why did i make this

Why the fuck did I make this

Person: "Why did I make this"

Mysterious Person: "Because I created you so have no choice to make something even though nothing was made you small, idiotic fool."

by FelledJudge January 10, 2022