The act of pinging everybody in a discord and attaching an image of Clippy pregnant, This has to then be followed up by saying, "Ashton this is you in a few days."
Don't make me Ashton
Ashton is an amazing person whom people love. He won't tell people your secrets and he really loves cats. Ashton is gay, loves his friends and will protect everything he loves. He's an amazing person
Yo is that Ashton?
No it's my best friend
Biggest asshole you’ll ever fucking meet oml he lie steal and cheat tf out of you why does the world ever have Ashton’s let’s irraticate them
This mf so stupid he set up a prank for his sister on April fool's and ended up springing the trap on himself causing his pants to get drenched with lemonade
He is so so hot sexy and really good at fortnite he can beat this kid named keita any day of the week
ashton is a gorgeous girl, has many amazing friends everyone loves her but deep down has a tiktok addiction
maia: hi!
ashton: your mums a hoe