Severe sickness when you realize that your not having bacon for breakfast.
Side-effects may include spitting, nausea, vommiting, loss of direction, migrane, mood swings, herpes, long term memory, AIDS, dizziness, and death. Can be contagious if not handled properly.
Joe: Gee, Tim looks pretty depressed.
Rick: He has the Bacon Blues.
4👍 1👎
Adjective Braw
A Fat Person, A Chunky, A Fatboiiiii,
Michael Winner and Michelle McManus are examples of famous Bacon Chasers
The phrase originated in 1983, Professor Delton Mowbray is credited with the invention of the phrase.
At the time of creation, Bishop Desmond Tutu described the phrase as 'Absolute Comedy Genius'
e.g. Wha'ssssss Crackin' Muh'lickinnnnn Bacon Chaser
To Smoke Marijuana (Get Baked) & Converse (Dish) With Participants on Today's Hot Topics. Originally Spoken "Bake N Dish".
Hey, I've Had A Terrible Week. Do You Wanna Come Over To, "Bacon Dish"?
pronounced bake N' wake.
similar to wake N' bake.
but instead of waking up to partake in a bowl of the ganja. rather wake up and partake in delightfully cooked bacon.
As i was falling asleep, all i could think about was the morning bacon' wake.
A religion revolving around bacon whose followers will eat bacon with literally anything, including bacon with bacon. DO NOT bring turkey bacon to them as they will sacrifice you and it to their god in exchange for actual bacon.
"Bacon is our god because bacon is real"
I eat bacon because I am a true believer in the religion of bacon
The taste of human flesh by cannibalistic sailors 200 years ago was described as "Long Pork". Today's "bath salts" cannibals describe the hunger for "Ape Bacon". You heard it here first.
Let's smoke up and go down to the hobo camp by the tracks and rustle up some Ape Bacon.