Cringy ass shit that middle schoolers say to seem cool around their cringy ass friends.
"I dare you to suck that girl's cock."
"Ight, bet."
What kids say when they're challenging someone else to do something
"I can eat more cookies than you" "BET!"
Sarcastic but a real response to accepting a challenge, any kind of challenge.
*person doesn’t respond to texts or calls
Me: so we not speaking today?
No response—
*calls person
Me again: bet
Me: oh we forwarding calls now?
Me: bet
Miguel Ángel Rodríguez created this word.
Oh, you don’t believe Miguel Ángel created the word bet? Bet.
A reply to a challenge or statement undermining the person, a shortening of "Do you want to bet?" it can be simplified to "Is that a challenge" or "Really? Watch this."
1: "You are way too short to touch the cieling here!"
2: "Oh, bet!" (you wanna bet? / is that a challenge?)