Source Code


a prickly object

Josh: i'd fuck a cactus right now

by cactifucker April 22, 2017


(C.A.C.T.U.S.) an acronym for “Cops Are Class Traitors (in the) United States.”

Used in place of “ACAB” and can also be used as an insult for police, since it implies they’re pricks.

“I got pulled over for going seven MPH over the speed limit. Fucking CACTUS wrote me a ticket

by KCHooligan January 27, 2024


(C.A.C.T.U.S.) an acronym for “Cops Are Class Traitors (in the) United States.”

Often used in place of calling police officers “pigs” and more covert than “ACAB”

“Just got pulled over by a CACTUS for doing seven MPH over the speed limit.”

“Can you believe that guy’s a cop now? What a CACTUS.”

by KCHooligan January 26, 2024


A code for a person who is a prick.

Look there’s cactus!”

by Esketit bitch June 14, 2019


A spikey plant you should not touch. It's green and has spikes. Mostly seen in movies in desert scenes.

"Ouch, I just touched at cactus"

by Cactus47 June 21, 2015


Someone who you have a crush on... but you think its someone one you know and then its a total stranger!

Glenda: I saw this kid in gym... i think it was Blake... he's really hot!
Linda: Are you sure it was him...
*Next day*
Glenda: That is not Blake!

Linda: I think that is some eighth grader!
Glenda: I dont even know his name!
Linda: He's such a cactus!

by Glenda Foot Massage St. Cactus October 1, 2017


cactus another name for a self-righteous prick

Whoa cactus....don't be a prick!

by Celestial Star November 18, 2016