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If you can find someone in the world named ‘Cerig’ then they are also know as a cactus which is a nicer way of saying prick as ‘Cerigs’ are known for hating the word prick and despise being and called a prick.

Person 1: Oh you know that kid Cerig right?

Person 2: Yeah I know him/her they are a right cactus ain’t they.

by Senior Chuck August 23, 2018


An insult.

A cactus is a person who tends to be an annoyance to anyone they meet.

It means someone who is always full of pricks

Ryan, why do you always have to be such a Fucking cactus

by You are a glass of milk December 20, 2019


A veri big pokeh tingy dat hurt u when u touch it. Like dat one guy on te youtube that jump into cactus and he scream, he scream loud. I think he got hurt. He bleeded. He bleeded rly bad. Bleding is bahd. Yeh dont bled it hurt ur intestines. That is bahd. Yeh dont touch cactus. Cactus bahd.

Did you hear about Jimmy? He got poked by a cactus. He accidentally fell on one. Or two. Well he is in better place now.

by XenonUnlimited March 28, 2017


An attractive heterosexual man who straight white women call a twink for some reason. Taken from The Good Place's "Is it actually a cactus?" bit.

"Timothee Chalamet is such a twink"
"He's actually a cactus"

by Sex_Addicto February 12, 2025


As used in kiwi, the song by Harry styles, a cactus is someone who is a real prick.

tom: "Ayy Gary is coming over tonight"
jeff: "what a cactus"

by Pig rolls July 2, 2020


cactus is a CANADIAN who wont stop saying shit like goodness me gosh almighty amazing oh god oh my goodness and is ANNOYING AS FUCK!!!!! they usually are found moderating animal jam servers and having no life :rofl:

bro did u see that cactus they totally STINK FART!

by DEFINITELYNOTMOLDY January 11, 2022


A penis that is large and red and "pimped up" at the tip, and has pubic hair that is similar to that of 'cactus spikes'.

I saw your grandpa's cactus last night.

Crazy, fuck dawg! That's a big cactus.

by spoezzy March 4, 2024