1. A Carry who can get a good amount of farm, regardless the situation. Be it sacked in lane, or killed a lot of times, stable carry will find a way through. Also a carry that knows when to push and when to chase for kills
2. A carry who got stable connection and don't experience ping spikes or huge packet loss
1. I'm a more stable carry than you guys. I play objectives, and I don't waste my time to get unnecessary kills
2. XD
When you stick your one finger in her pussy and one in her asshole just like carrying a six pack
So Last night were getting heavy so i carried like a six pack and she came right away
A balance of everything. Knows how to win everyone's trust. An animal lover. A solution provider. Caring in nature. Knows how to reunite everyone with their loved ones.
"Not everyone is purr-fect like Carry My Pet is every quality. Only Carry My pet can win your heart as well as the heart of your loved ones"
Carrying your team from the bottom.
Herrie: Pff I can't hit a single shot, I haven't killed anyone yet.
Mumbada: That's all right! You are still a bonus for the team, you are a real herrie carry today.
This is when you talk trash about YouTube-zxncarry or Unbancarry you will start to experience terrible things and horrible luck
Random -Carry you fuxking suck you sorry bitch
Random-Meanwhile My PlayStation blewup
This is the carry curse
This is an epic game made by Pivotgrind, a very rich and handsome man
I love (carry people simulator).
A object used to improve game experience for assasins in MOBA
Where is our ad carry?