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Chain anal

When three or more men have anal sex together to form a chain. Also called train anal.

Sean, Bill, Paul, Jim, and Roger all did a 5 man chain anal together.

by awmm June 28, 2015

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chain rape

the act of raping a girl with the aid of numerous morally corrupt men/friends

the girl gets ravaged from the inside out due to the numerous and consecutive erections inserted viciously inside her hoot-nanny

i feel bad for that one chick who got chain raped in Oaktizzy last month. She said her hoot-nanny was scarred and bloody

damn man

by Illiterate children in February 7, 2008

15๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž

the drug chain

Dealer's are organised on a chain similar to the food chain.
Larger dealer's on the top, small-time runner's on the bottom.

"Rick isn't his real name, he just uses that coz he's high up on 'The Drug Chain'."

by Diego Blunt August 18, 2003

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off the chain

sweet, unique, cool, awesome, untouchable

those rims are off the chain!

by justin March 8, 2005

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food chain

A system used to define the standing of an individual based upon the use of "your mom," "face," or anything to stiffle intelligent dialogue or debate. Those who indulge in said saying frequent the bottom of the food chain. Invented by Markus.

Markus: I like shoes.
Sean: me too
Jarvys: your face likes shoes.
David: Down in the food chain

1. Jarvys
-drops to-
7. Jarvys

by Offenso June 29, 2006

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suicide chain

What happens when one person commits suicide, then another does because of their sadness, then another because of person b...

After Kurt Cobain's death, a suicide chain began.

by Ka October 3, 2004

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daisy chaining

when (usually boys in private schools) gather round and toss each other off

up for a bit off daisy chaining??

by john May 14, 2003

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