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woman chaser

A playa that is trying to gain a lots of woman's favor! A dude that want a certain chic body just for fun.. A guy that text or calls a many beautiful girl exsessivly .. Men who whisper empty promis in girls ears..

A male person or woman chaser chasing or looking for female fun!

by Johny doe 101 December 12, 2014

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Flaker Chaser

One who actively pursues a flakey women or man.

Flakey women or men, are individuals that wish they could have their former relationship back and intact with their former lover. Unfortunetly, this is just wishful thinking because they're shallow douche bags and therefore impede their ability to move forward with their lives.

Sally, I feel like a Flaker Chaser when you reject my unwanted sexual advances or longing to have a meaningful, albeit sexual relationship with you

by Mukatsuku September 5, 2010

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Chunk Chaser

Male person who wants to engage in anal sex with other male, and who's only in the process of starting the courtship.

Hey, Gay boy's taken a liking to the new homo on the block. He's the biggest Chunk Chaser I know.

by ShiniGami666 May 23, 2008

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Flame Chaser

When a firefighter convention is in town, and the local women 'chase' after the out of town firefighters for one night of fun.

Oh snaps the firefighter convention is in town, Amy and Sara have turned into some Flame Chasers tonight!

by IBRCrew April 22, 2015

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Cloud Chaser

A "Cloud Chaser" is a person who, using a personal vaporizer (mechanical mod) and an RDA with a low resistance coil inhales and then expels large amounts of vapor from their lungs as a spectacle to behold. Generally "Cloud Chasers" display their skills at "Cloud Chasing Competitions".

That dude is a cloud chaser, look at them clouds! - The Cloud Chasers have arrived for the competition.

by nineX February 24, 2015

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Bag Chaser

Simply a person that will do anything for a "bag" of dope(meth,coke,weed,heroin,etc..). Primarily busted-ass 20 yr-old looking 40 females. The kind that make you go "WTF!" when you have the distinct displeasure of running into one face to face.

Can you believe that girl? She took her 2 yr-old on the bus at 1am to go suck her dealer's cock for a rock! What a bag chaser!

by ksgirl November 25, 2010

25๐Ÿ‘ 47๐Ÿ‘Ž

chicken chaser

Someone who chases after something they can't have, seeing as chickens are hard to catch.

The Hero of Fable

"Chicken Chaser? Does he chase chickens?"

by DoubleDaniel April 10, 2006

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