A man who will stop at nothing to reach his goals. He also has a uniball.
Sometimes that guy is such a Devin Terris.
biggest peter puffer in the south.
Devin Thompson is a peterpuffer
When you and your football coach husband agree to fucking with a strap on
Dayum Jeff that was such a well coached game! Wanna go into the bedroom and hit a dirty Devin?
While being pegged by the largest dildo you can legally buy, and reciting the Barney theme song in the voice of pee wee Herman. If he cums, he is to then lick the goop off of the dildo
Trying something new, hell yeah, let’s try the dirty Devin tonight
Devin and Mia are people meant for each other, Devin and Mia are meant to get married and deserve to live the rest of their lives together in a family
Oh ! Devin and Mia will get married
a person who is of a christian faith (catholic/orthodox), but sympathetic exclusively to their own faith and Islam. they may dislike other religions other than Christianity and Islam, and believes that a common goal between Muslims and Christians can be reached, against a perceived enemy.
Wow! He really is a devin martin, he's been talking about the common struggle of Islam and Christianity all day.
Devin Gumz is the hottest boy in the entire world. He's shy when you first meet him but once you get to know him he will be the best person in your life. He has brown hair and blue eyes which is absolutely stunning. Devin Gumz has an amazing personality and always knows how to make you laugh. Keep him forever and never let go.
Wow that boy is hot it must be Devin Gumz