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dooky sticks

Shouted during an argument that is going nowhere.

Kid1-You're a big pee-pee head!
Kid2- Oh, yeah? Well, you're a big poopy-face!
Kid1- Am not!
Kid2- Are too!
*continues for five mintutes8
Kid1- Am not!
Kid3- Dooky sticks!

by RatchetBoo November 3, 2003

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Asian Dookie

After taking a massive dump you have to take another dump an hour later.

I have to take an Asian Dookie.

by Drew Hayd March 10, 2008

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dookie twinkle

when your shit sparkles after you drink too much goldschlagger.

i got so toasted off of goldschlagger last nite, i woke up and dropped a fat dookie twinkle

by granada ladybug January 16, 2007

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big dooky

Usually a nick name for a fat pipe fitter helper who loves cock

Bring big Dooky to hold back up on that pipe wrench

by Santiago1976 January 3, 2017

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Dookie shit

The nastiest form of shitting. That big warm methane gas covered turd that creeps right out of your asshole that feels like it's 3 feet long and 4 inches in diameter.

Damn man I ate some of bill navas's wife's cooking and I have got a serious case of the dookie shits.

by Dr Niggรจr January 15, 2023

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dookie law

tore up, ugly, should be ashmaed of yourself, out of tha ordinary

hey look at that girl right there ((Dookie Law))) whoa she messed up.

by ms. pimpinyou October 12, 2003

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dookie lips

A silly retort to poo face. Originally discovered via text message, "dookie lips" has become a staple in tween and teen dialects of the English language.

Hollee: You are a poo-face.
Dave: Oh, yea, dookie lips?

by Alfonse McNasty December 12, 2009

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