Putting it simply, a jojo fan is the worst person you will ever meet. A jojo fan is usually dramatic, overthinks things, and hates socialising. JOJO FANS SUCK!
Person 1: Are you a jojo fan?
Person 2: Yes, I am.
Person 1: Ewww!!
23๐ 9๐
A person who likes a certain talentless skank.
When their idol is insulted, their main comebacks always consist of drivel along the lines of "Get a life" or "You're just jealous" or some other whiny garbage like that.
Avril fans are worthless to this world, because all of them are 14 year old girls, and they like an equally worthless PRODUCT.
171๐ 113๐
Liking a team only when they do good, and drastically hating them when they do bad. It's like liking the good weather and hating the bad weather.
Ryan's complaining about the (insert team name here) again because they lost a game, such a fairweather fan.
22๐ 10๐
A person that actually likes a music artist that doesn't use illegal downloads like a a fake weirdo that spends all their time on facebook and trying to get a good playcount, to 'boost' their social status!
"fake fan - omg yah I really luv that band :))))))!!!!!! will have to illegally download their tonightt!!!!!!!!"
"Real fan: no. Buy their album and actually support them as an emerging artist if you love her!"
"Fake fan: but albums are so expensiiivvveee!!!!!!!!"
"Real fan: don't you have two Macs? *raised eyebrows* " haha!! I love you! Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
25๐ 12๐
An idiot who probably lives on the streets of Ghetto, er, I mean Oakland. Kills people and burns down houses when their crappy-ass team loses (happens often).
You: Raiders Fans make Oakland even worse than it already was!
Me: Is that possible?
167๐ 111๐
A very mainstream anime fan. One who only watches anime that is on adult swim. Is ready to defend inuyasha at all costs and considers it's flaws (which it has plenty of) to be part of it's uniqueness.
Erica is such an inuyasha fan.
110๐ 71๐