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puke in my lap and you get a smack in the face

If somebody decides to vomit on my jeans or shirt (shoes I am not too worried about) Then a short sharp smack in their face will ensue!

*bleuurrghh* *splatter* *dribble* *frown* *tense* *smack!* "ow, that hurt you fucking cunt!" *smack* "ok, I'll shut up!"

by Valoch.D.M November 9, 2004

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brazillian lap dance

A Brazillian Lap Dance is when a girl gets on a table wraps her leg around ur neck and shake he buttox in ones face to satisfy ones needs to see girls asses shakeing

Damn she gives a good Brazillian Lap Dance.

by Capt cheeze dick March 21, 2017

glory lap

Running the whole way round a university/college faculty while naked, to celebrate a successful night out. This is sometimes done as a dare and almost always whilst pissed.

1. "Man, that was the best night out ever. Wanna do a glory lap around the History fac on our way back to our dorms?"

2. "I don't feel ready to call it a night yet. Let's do a glory lap"

3. "Drinks on me tomorrow night if you do a glory lap around the library"

by prohobbit September 28, 2018

for the laps

a filipino phrase that refers to eating. usually in large amounts, that of a patay-gutom. "laps" is derived from "lafang", an older term which means "kain" in Filipino or to eat.

Ay, for the laps ang tema ng lamok sa hita ko for today's video.
Maaga dumating si Mamsh sa swimming. For the laps ang goal ni beh.

by melindakieferrr June 25, 2022

The Golden Lap

The Golden lap is where one starts urinating at one side of a urinal and finishes and the other side with 1 continuous stream while coating the whole urinal.

The Golden Lap: The Golden lap is where one starts urinating at one side of a urinal and finishes and the other side with 1 continuous stream while coating the whole urinal.

"Did you see the guy in the bathroom? The mad lad did a golden lap while 3 other people were using the urinal!"

by Pommy1396 April 26, 2023

trout lap

Is where you go to the strip club, get a lap dance and the stripper is really getting into it soo much her sweaty, juicy pussy drips on you making your pants smell like trout.

Damn! I'm going to have to throw these pants away from the trout lap I got at Fantasies last night!

by Trolkin King November 16, 2017

Lap Dogg

A women who uses the word no to try and get men to force themselves onto them sexually, this can happen with clothes on or off.

That bitch signed into the barracks and came into my room, took her own panties off then gonna tell me no ??
Get the fuck out of here lap dogg, tryna bite me bitch...

by Ragnar Funnies September 6, 2018