Abnormal size of body parts that puts one in a place of almost being a freak, hence "Freak Teetering."
His left arm was much bigger than his right one, similar to Roger Federer...he is freak teetering and must love tennis.
Freak-A-Leek is a man or woman whom may be freaky
That girl is a freak-a-leek
When you tell someone to stop talking "noise it"When you want your girl to stop talking ie to shut up. Cause she on your back over some bullshit that's irrelevant
Becky- who's that girls that keeps calling your phone Ricky- noise it freak
Simply slang for someone who is addicted to drugs
Ew, I heard Jane is yet again trying something new... Meth. What a chemical freak!
it is slang for being told that you are being drafted into war.
i'm so sorry but you are being freaking poopsed...
Based on the belief in fate- that everything happens for a reason. Fate-freaked is when someone starts to obsess about every single detail around them because they are waiting for something to take place. Fate-freak is used to describe the individual who displays this behavior.
1)Jen won't leave the grocery store because her psychic told her that is where she'll meet her husband. She is so fate-freaked.
"Man, I'm replying to every girl that sends me a friend request, because it has to be happening for a reason!"
"Don't be a fate-freak. Turn off the laptop."
A person who will take a selfy any where
Person 1. Hurry up there's a tornado.
Selfy freak. hold on let me take a selfy with it.