A toothless freak. A person who for what ever reason has no teeth and gums his words when talking to you. A person who's mouth sinks in because he should be wearing dentures but is not.
He gummed his words as he yelled, spitting and drooling all over me. He was a real gummy goon.
Block 6 said this in the latest plugged in with fumez the engineer
This sentence means these goons are not shotters however they are killers and aggressive
Quinton: Tabitha will get some violent goons onto me
Joseph:that’s peak you have yo ask him to bless it
The ultimate version of a goon
A goon-wagon is someone who takes goon name to a whole new level.
"Hey that dude is a goon"
"Naw man, he is a goon-wagon"
What happens when you misspell “gonna fall” and a group chat full of bored college students decides to poke fun at it. Only true goons fall ask if there’s class this week.
“I ain’t goons fall!”
“I am not a ‘goons fall’ either, Marty.”
Goon time jt basically is G time . Goon time is when all the real gangstas come out
I'm tired , aye nah it's goon time 💯
Local Gang in Clarksburg, West Virginia. Known for distribution of illicit substances and roaming the streets at night. The name comes from the district they live in; “ Broadway Avenue “
“ Ay did you see the Broadway Goons roaming the streets last night? “
Typically young, 15-21 year old male who wears a hooded sweatshirt and often walks or stands with his hood up and hands in pockets, where he is almost always clutching a short barreled handgun. Super goons enjoy small caliber, .380 or .22. Super goons are often selectively mute, they utter short phrases at most and certainly NEVER talk to police under any circumstances, even under interrogation. They are nocturnal and extremely elusive- can often appear or disappear into the darkness with ease. Often the culprit behind crime spikes in cities, a super goon may be the last person you see in your life, if you have cheated the wrong person
This dude Andre sold me lean that turned out to be shampoo, he won’t enjoy his hustle for long- I’ve got my super goons parked on his street