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Concreter’s holiday

A Australian term used to explain that someone is in prison.

“Yeah - Nah mate he is on holiday…” “oh, that sounds nice” “… nah yeah, it’s a concreter’s holiday, he will be out in 6months”

by Doing big no January 29, 2025

Porn holiday

A holiday on October 31st where you watch porn all day because you can’t get fucked.

Lilly: Hey porn holiday is coming soon I’m so excited.

Meg: Lonely cunt

by 420 Icarus 420 November 27, 2021

Holiday Bankruptcy

When you have a lot of debts and gets broke from buying all that Christmas presents.

#Person1: Hey dude are you ok.
#Person2: No I’m dealing with this holiday bankruptcy

#Person1: that’s unfortunate

#Person2: yeah I know

by Zelda if the new world November 13, 2022

Summer holidays

a time when all the innocent children r freed from hell for six weeks

marks the time between years of being told the same stuff every day in hell

wow its finally the summer holidays, I've waiting for this since the beginning of this year.

by justanaverageboredperson July 24, 2023

Pre-Holiday Movie

These are the movies that are released from the middle of October to about the middle of November, just before the holiday movie season. They may have some elements of being a holiday movie (slim but potential Oscar nomination, somewhat epic, drama, romantic comedy) but are usually not the major draw that the holiday blockbusters are. These are frequently horror movies to capitalize on Halloween.

The pre-holiday movies serve Hollywood by advertising the holiday blockbusters.

by New English October 10, 2010

Holiday topher

When you have hemorrhoids and you ate a shit ton of greens then the next morning when you go to let one loose it comes out green and red this giving you a holiday topher

Hey mark I was shitting and guess what happened , I bled out of my ass when I shat and my shit was green it felt like a Holiday topher

by Yesmamsir May 21, 2021

Holiday Home

Vista Rooms is one of the largest chain of luxury homes in South Asia. As guests, you can choose from a collection of over 500 luxury villas and private holiday homes, from all across India.
For more information,

please visit : www.vistarooms.com

Renting a holiday home? Choose the best, choose Vista Rooms

by Nilkha November 25, 2021