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will eat your cock

damn i wish i was a luka

by lavernic June 13, 2022


A tall, handsome man. Likes to drink with friends but can be very picky about food.
Has an interesting personality because his interests change quickly wich makes it easy to spark a conversation for him.
He never had problems with school and gets around with most teachers. He thinks he is more mature than others but infact, he is just too serious to be able to understand most jokes. He has big plans for his future and wants to be really rich. Lukas doesnt mind working at a boring job, as long that he gets the money, he thinks its fine. Lukas is also pretty strong emotionally and is very assertive. Altough he can get furious when you are late or not doing what you promised that you would do because he is very strict to his own shedule.

Lukas wont be coming over tomorrow, he had a night-shift yesterday and already planned on playing tennis with jack.

by the consular January 16, 2022


Lukas is one of a kind. He’s usally a tall blondie and gives the best hugs ever. You can always talk to him and he will listen. The best friend you can have. Loyal like a labrador. He‘s not just handsome, he‘s smart, charismatic and has a great sense of justice.

If you have a Lukas in your life, make sure to keep him.

Friend after not seeing Lukas in a while: LUKAAAAAAAASSSSS!

by iinneessic May 5, 2022


big dick

luka has big dick

by y is the n word a thing November 6, 2021


giant fart

you ever sneeze & pull of a lukas at the same time

by Tuttifrutteh November 24, 2021


The sexiest man you'll ever meet.

Omg he's such a Lukas. *Faints*

by LunarAWe February 8, 2022


A depressed Vietnam veteran suffering from PTSD and the guilt on his hands after losing everyone he loved

Grandpa is experiencing another LUKAS again

by KaleoIsGay June 18, 2020