A single word that defines America, as described by it's greatest leader of all time, Joseph Biden.
"America is a nation that can be defined in a single word: azu-futti-meh-uh-footy-foot."
when you drop something extraordinary on the ground😟😟
t* dropps a tv* Awww fuck i drwoped meh vegghe chipz
Meh Dyuck means my huge mega fucking sexy ass fucking stick of a overly big penis.
I would love to help you but bitches are tending to Meh Dyuck.
Meh heh is a word placer that is used constantly by Luke Lu. It is usually said when expressing emotion; anger from bad random, happiness of rank 25 hank and apologizing biting people.
"Meh heh," said Lulu; "this random is so sh*t. I'm going to team wipe by hypercharge Edgar. HANK META. Meh heh"