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Hobo Douche

The act of gorging on apple cores, pizza crust, cat food and spam. Then drink two bottles of Mad Dog 20/20 and or Thunderbird. As soon as all items have been consumed, start eating your girlfriends vagina until you vomit inside of her vagina.

Albert caught his girlfriend cheating and decided he would clean out her whore pussy with a Hobo Douche.

by Fudgie Mcgee June 9, 2011

Hobo dirty

When you become so dirty from outdoor activities (i.e. train hopping, camping, sleeping in a dirt lot) that no matter how hard you scrub you just can't get it off and you just have to wait it out. Also includes dirt that can not be removed from under your nails.

"I made Jack take a shower before I would have sex with him, he said he just took a shower, but it turned out he was hobo dirty."

by Anarchaprimitivist July 17, 2012

cuddle hobo

This is a term that has arisen in D&D / TTRPG circles where the players just want to adopt everything. It's a bit of a juxtaposition and play off the term "murder hobo" for the players who want to kill everything.

My players have now adopted a displacer cat, three wolves and an owl bear. They are real cuddle hobos.

by Ed DM March 7, 2022

hobo hairdryer

When you don't have enough time, or don't care enough, to use a hairdryer. Thus, you put all the windows down in your car and let the wind do all the work.

(Not to be confused with a hippie hairdryer, which involves the same concept, but includes the use of a bike instead. This version is "greener",from which is derived its condition of being "hippie".)

Works best for guys.

Or girls with short hair.

"Hey, Becky sure has some serious bed head."

"Nope. Hobo hairdryer."

"Ah.I see."

by emthecoed May 2, 2010

Hobo Throw

A sport for those who like their leisure activities on the trampish side. Akin, to tossing the caber.
The rules are simple; the person who throws their hobo the furthest wins.
It gives the homeless a raison d'être once again.

Krystal the Magnificent: Tom, do you fancy partaking in a little hobo throwing this afternoon?

Tom: Sounds spiffing, I'll round up a couple of transients.

by Krystal the Magnificent February 19, 2009

Sexy Hobo

A Sexy Hobo is a homeless man who might not have any money, but he can show you a real good time in his box.

I am a ugly virgin so I fucked a Sexy Hobo in his box, but he also got me hooked on crystal meth.

by Mystical_Voodoo November 3, 2020

hobo hotness

When a man or woman has a particularly worn, tired, and homeless look, but is still considered pretty fucking hot.

"Yo did you check out that girl hanging around the byward market? Totally 9/10."
"Dude, looks like you just encountered some hobo hotness."

by G. Error October 31, 2013