what immature boys say when they get their feelings hurt by a girl
“ratio this whole video 🙏”
girl- “i know more about shoes than you”
boy- “ratio”
Ratio is a term used by pedophiles to tell others that they found a little girl/boy secluded to sex traffic
“Did you hear that randy said ratio?” “Ratio”
Ratio is a word which is mostly used in Twitter, where a reply saying “ratio” is used hoping that the reply will get more likes/upvotes than the post it is replying to.
Ratio is usually used under a post which the person replying does not agree with/ a stupid fucking comment.
A word someone says on Twitter to let people know they have no life
MahomesBallSackSZN: Ratio
LamarJacksonsPenisBurner: Shut the fuck up nigga get a life fatherless fat ass bum