A game biased towards specific players, giving them advantages and stuffs
Example 1:
Minecraft buildbattle hypixel voting system
"wow did that among us build really just win this castle-themed game? thats so rigged"
Example 2:
Clash royale
"why do I keep getting matched up against lavaloon when I play a deck with no air defenses, how is that not rigged?"
A girl/boy who is so in love with someone they will stay with them regardless of getting cheated on and(or) disrespected constantly.
She's still with me even though I cheated on her. - random guy 1
Bro, she's rigged. - random guy 2
Unequivocally fair and without a shred of evidence to dispute the facts even though the losing party continues to throw childlike tantrums and make wild, baseless claims even it’s own elected Supreme Court justices know are insane and untruthful.
Example: “The 2020 election was rigged.”
something that is messed up or out of the ordinary.
I am so rigged tight now i cant see
that car is so rigged it cant even drive