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Much right

The term "much right" was first used by a black man named James Newton from North Carolina born between 1888 and 1898.

A woman/man who is not married or engaged, is considered much right because any woman/man has the right to talk to him/her.

Much right is the opposite of Nachos

If Jada P. Smith won't married she would be much right woman for me.

by garlic junior man August 4, 2009

12๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

right laugh

English (maybe Australian as well) people use it as term for good time.

You should have come with last night, it was a right laugh.

by Paramecium July 25, 2004

12๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

look right

usually referrs to a male, means that he looks fresh and all his ish is in the right place in the right way;to look handsome or cute

Girl: Ooh, he look right!

by dc`s fynest June 25, 2006

12๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

animal rights

Formerly believed to be an idea in which animals should be equal to people, it is now widely recognized to be a belief where animals should receive higher consideration than humans.

Animal Rights means that humans are forbidden to hunt and/or eat animals, and are forbidden to use animals for ANY reason....
while animals are allowed to hunt and kill, as well as exploit other animals (ants exploiting aphids for their honeydew, for example).

Under this rule, animals are also allowed to kill a human for ANY reason (including, but not limited to: predator instinct, invasion of property, protection of young, etc.) while no human is allowed to kill an animal for any reason, not even to rescue his children from a bear attack.

When it comes to Animal Rights, George Orwell said it best in Animal Farm:
"All animals are equal but some are more equal than others."

The animal rights girl was against animal testing, so she killed a scientist. Meanwhile, she also let a serial killer run free, because he only killed humans...none of his targets were animals. Plus, he was a vegan!

by Brick Wall March 23, 2005

403๐Ÿ‘ 300๐Ÿ‘Ž

right as the mail

to be right, without any uncertainty. taken from the idea that the mail is always prompt and on time.

Billy: Are you sure about that?

John: I'm right as the mail.

by Twan Diggity June 27, 2006

34๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž


Often, an American that is pro-business while being anti-worker - yet pro-family. Tends to portray great religiosity but only when threatened or bombed. Claims to believe in the sanctity of Life, but will bomb the fuck out of anything that moves. Also has a tendency to misinterpret any written document - especially the Bible. Believes that oil supplies will last forever.

Any current member of the Bush administration - except Condoleeza Rice. see (closeted) lesbian.

by Lord Heavyhandz July 6, 2005

307๐Ÿ‘ 225๐Ÿ‘Ž

religious right

foul, fascist heretics of the worst kind. believe that orthodox and catholics are not christian and should be treated like nonbeleivers. they sway the polls in underhanded ways to elect people like bush, and are quite the hypocrits. vote pro death penalty, but are considered pro LIFE, for example. also extreme homophobic republicans.

you know, those who consistently accuse and defame others of homosexuality are themselves, likely homosexual. this theory was proven when during the coldwar, the most paranoid, jaded, anti communist american officials were often exposed as KGB infiltrators.so really, whos the actual gay ones in this country?

by we dont worship mary, we worship christ November 30, 2004

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