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kansas shuffle

It's completly dark and a girl thinks that you are behind he about to give it to her, instead your really in front of her and you slap her in the face with your penis.

It was so dark in the room that I did the kansas shuffle on her.

by hopkins and cruz December 30, 2010

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walton shuffle

See Also: Andy walking at 4AM

Andy was too wasted to do the walton shuffle so we had to carry his irish ass inside

by Hank the Tank August 13, 2003

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240 shuffle

Also known to tankers as the "co-ax shuffle", whereby an enemy is either running for fear of his life, or sent tumbling backwards by the hail of lead hitting him. Refers to the M240 machine gun.

Did you see that guy with the RPG? The gunner made him do the 240 shuffle!

by First Bullet August 15, 2008

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Rochester Shuffle

When a man has anal sex with a woman then takes a shit in her gaping asshole.

Last night I took Cathy out to a nice restaurant, then we went back to my place and I gave her the old Rochester shuffle.

by El Bastardo927 March 25, 2010

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Bombay Shuffle

A tit wank.

Squirt some shower gel on yer baps love and give me a Bombay Shuffle

by Ralph Milne November 1, 2011

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Mussle Shuffle

A pantless german on ecstasy holding a spoon.

Colin is a mussle shuffle just like hitler.

by Michael Shapard April 29, 2005

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Skyrim Shuffle

When you're in the middle of oral sex, where the girl is on her knees, and forcefully pick her up and lean her forward. Grab her ass and say "I've found my sweet rolls" Then back away five paces, and scream "LET ME SHOW YOU THE POWER OF TALOS" and then ram your dick forcefully into her ass.

God, I love it when Johnny does the Skyrim Shuffle.

by HanzHumpfry December 9, 2015

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