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Semen Slap

Where a person goes and jacks off in the bathroom of a High school, palms his semen, walks into the cafeteria, and exacts revenge on a person that mushroom stamped the person who is givnig the semen slap. Then slaps the person, with the hand full of semen.

Greg walked into the cafeteria and semen slapped the shit out of him.

by funniest thing to happen this year at BHS March 30, 2005

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stoot slap

the country version of a bitch slap.

i'm gonna stoot slap this sum bitch.

by joencandy September 24, 2007

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Virginia Slap

The acting slapping someone square on the vagina with the backside of your hand. The slapper's hand must be held vertically and loosely.

To perform the virginia slap CORRECTLY:

1. Position yourself with a clear shot at the slappee's vagina.

2. Make sure that your forearm is vertical and the back of your hand is facing the vagina you intend to slap.

3. Quickly snap your arm/wrist forward and let your hand smack the vagina. A sharp sound should resonate (a FUPA, however, may result in more of a dull thud).

4. One usually utters, "Virigina..." before committing this act. Yelling, "SLAP!" as you slap the vagina is slightly less common.

Oddly enough, this phrase originated in Connecticut.

Note - The Virigina Slap can also be performed with a spanking motion from the side. Different positioning is needed for this.

Bethany was bored by her inexperienced new boyfriend. Thinking back on her old relationship with Dave, she craved the aggressiveness his sweaty, late-night Virginia Slaps.

by Lefty Stroker January 1, 2011

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Steak slap

When someone disses your mom at dinner and the only course of action is to pick up your steak and slap them across their face, thus squirting steak juices all over.

At a company picnic someone calls your momma fat. you steak slap their faces with the steak fresh off the grill, then yell "your face gets steak slapped"

by Willa the thrilla February 16, 2009

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slap ball

A game whose object is for one male to slap another male in the balls for the sole purpose of everyone else's amusement. The game is generally played on a specific day of the week, namely Sunday. There are also certain variants of the game, such as including women and adding beaver chops to the game. Also, no slap backs, so you can't right away hit the balls of the person that just hit you.

After putting up with that stupid asshole all week, I couldn't wait to chop Elliott in the nuts on slap ball Sunday.

by Josh the expo July 10, 2006

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Penguin slap

A viscous cold blooded slap to the face, associated with the great flipper strength of the emperor penguin

she penguin slapped him when she found out he was cheating on her

by TJ, AKA Penguin October 16, 2005

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dick slapping

"Dick Slapping" is the act of using the penis as a tool of sexual dominance. The act itself is not exclusive to the male and often involves a female using the penis to carry out the act upon herself. The act symbolizes dominance of the male and the penis in sexuality and subservience or worship of the penis on the part of the female. The act itself can be initiated through request on the part of the female, forced or through foreplay. While the act itself does not fall under the practice of BDSM, it often times is used as a means of punishment, humiliation and domination. It is purely a psychological tool. Dick slapping should not be confused with Dick Spanking: an act that involves the female emasculating the male through the act of slapping his penis with her hand. Often times carried out with verbal degradation. It should also not be confused with Creaming: The act of slapping a vagina with the penis after internal ejaculation. The truest form of the act is when the male uses either hand to grasp the penis while holding the rear of the females head with the other, and striking the female with his penis over the entire surface of the face. Especially, the mouth. The origins of dick slapping is unknown.

M: Do you worship my cock bitch?

F: Yes. I worship your cock!

M: Do you deserve my cock?

F: No. I have been bad!

Dick Slapping female over mouth with dick!

by clithardwood October 31, 2013

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