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Dick Slip

When your having sex and your tiny ass dick slips out of the pussy.

Shit bro! My dick slip (ed).

by Tim Tomb Bong Bong February 28, 2015

9๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pink Slip

The equivalent of a nip slip except when a girl accidentally (or purposely) flashes her pussy.

Dude I love watchin trashy celebs flaunt thier pink slips.

by Fatguyron April 4, 2010

59๐Ÿ‘ 144๐Ÿ‘Ž

Freudian Slip

An obscene, crotchless female undergarment, popular among the elite of early 20th century Vienna. Worn especially whilst holding a sensuously supine position upon a Chaise Lounge in full view of a cigar chomping psychoanalyst.

Old Siggy found himself overheating somewhat, when nubile but disturbed Frau Grossgash flourished an oft noted

Freudian Slip.

by jonimethfan October 18, 2011

27๐Ÿ‘ 58๐Ÿ‘Ž

Shit Slips

A reactionary phrase you might let out when someone tells you about their misfortune.

"I got my report card... Seems like after all those hours of studying, I still failed Biology..." "Shit slips."

"I was in a car accident this morning, and when I got to work, I got fired for being late... My boss is a douche." "Sorry to hear, Bro...Shit slips."

by Anonymiss92 April 5, 2010

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Pinky Slip

When u slide your pinky up her anus while performing sexual acts on her. a.k.a 2 in the pink, 1 in the stink.

Omg girl, last night he was fingering me and eating me out and next thing you know i got the pinky slip and it sent me into the biggest orgasm ever!

by Angablina December 2, 2010

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gangian slip

like the "freudian slip," but in the case of marijuana references. in making a remark, one may make a reference to marijuana, mistakedly, revealing that one either partakes or has had a history of partaking at one time.

oh, yeah ~ hothouse veggies.... we get 'em from mexico, bc.... bc bud -- oops, i mean bc tomatoes!

hahahahaha ~ you made a gangian slip, bro!

by Teasacz April 2, 2008

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slip out

1. Nip Slip
2. Bra strap/ panties showing

she suffered a slip out in the party yesterday

by bianca267 January 5, 2014

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