Not being aware of one's own behavior. When you need to check yourself.
I lied for no reason and then realised I had a blind spot.
I let him cross my boundaries, I guess I still have a blind spot.
My emotions took control over me when he pushed my buttons, now at least I'm aware of my blind spots.
when you're revising a history exam and you only revise parts of the course and ignore the others. For example if you have materials from 1850-1950, you would only choose to spot revise 1850-1900.
I expect a question from the years 1850-1870 instead of across the whole period 1800 to 1900 so I am spot revising facts from 1850-1870.
To leave hastily; to flee danger
When popo rolled up I shook the spot
The female equivalent to 'man cave'. Babe Spot: the room where a sports-loving woman can have her own multi-TV set up to enjoy all the simultaneous sports she wants, w/o fight her man over the remote!
To his buddies: She wanted to watch League Pass, I wanted to watch Sunday Ticket, so I went to my man cave & she went to her Babe Spot till halftime!
the ability to access unanticipated areas of knowledge quickly and efficiently.
When trying to find how to use a particular function in a piece of software I use my ability to create spot knowledge by quickly searching the web to get the knowledge I require to execute the previously unknown function.
When a woman accidentally lactates a small amount of milk on her shirt. This can be due to overexcitement, it can be random. The resulting stain is known as a Boob Spot. Boob Spots are hilarious, especially to any observing friends, and should not go uncommented on.
"Dude what is that weird discoloration on Megan's shirt?"
"That, my friend, is a boob spot, she got a little too excited when she saw Travis..."