Little Mexican men that ring your doorbell trying to sell strawberries. They are also often seen on street corners. Height may not exceed 5 feet.
I was so annoyed when I had to get up to answer the door, only to find a strawberry gnome trying to sell me fruit.
A type of birthmark that appears at birth as a large red spot that gradually fades as the child ages. It stays on the skin as a raised spot and never fully goes away.
Strawberry Mark Birthmark
A golden shower when the girl is on her period.
Tina was on her period so I had her give me a golden strawberry.
When someone does a strawberry face, they have their hands under their chin and have a wide smile on their face. It's a cute thing and shows happiness
When they complimented Harry, he strawberry faced.
Strawberry cow is a pink cow that loves strawberries thats where strawberry milk comes from
"such a cute strawberry coww"
when a man ejaculates in a woman's face, followed by punching her in the nose, giving her a nosebleed, then rubbing it all across her face.
he gave her a perfect strawberry delight