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Cosby Sweater

A condom worn during rape.

Detective 1: I think we found something over here. Might be our Cosby Sweater. Pulls used condom out of dumpster

Detective 2: Dude, that's gross. But yea, probably our Cosby Sweater.

Detective 1: Who thinks about putting on a condom before raping someone?

Detective 2: They walk around with it on. Now please, put that thing in a bag.

by TRock216 April 14, 2017

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Sweater Maureen

This typically refers to somone who loves sweaters. They may not be able to pronounce their own name. It is likely that they also love yellow, despite people around them not liking it.

Hey do you like my yellow sweater?
NO Sweater Maureen!

by Ladeeda123 March 14, 2010

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sweater vest thursday

The FIRST Thursday of every month, every able body man shall dress with darker wash jeans, white belt, and a sweater vest with a long sleeved half formal shirt under the sweater vest.

Wearing a sweater vest not on the first Thursday of every month is an abomination.

Sweater vests are also chick magnets and totally not gay

bro1: Alright we all know tomorrow is Thursday right?

bro2: hellz yeah bro! sweater vest Thursday!

bro1: yeah bro. lookin stylish and pickin up chicks

by legit legend juggernaut December 9, 2010

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sweater muffins

Women's breasts that are deformed. Usually resulting in the look of a muffin. Also, used to describe a woman's breast when the woman is wearing a small sweater.

Look at Paris Hilton's sweater muffins.

by Donkey Pong July 20, 2006

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[ugly sweater party]

a party where everyone is required to wear a hideous holiday sweater.

a party titled ugly sweater party where you must have santa embroidery, snowmen, stars of david, reindeer some holiday symbol upon a sweater

by kkmeme December 4, 2008

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Monkey Sweater-Vest

(adj.) A description of, or having the qualities of, a male that one should have dated in high school, but did not. Used most often as a term describing regret.

Leslie: "Hey, do you remember Jeremiah from homeroom?"

Jennifer: "Yeah, he was so monkey sweater-vest. I feel like an idiot for not hooking up with him."

by YapMaster August 22, 2011

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Sweater Exchange Day

Its the day where you give your sweater and receiving another sweater with someone special in return.

"I still remember the third of December, me in your sweater
You said it looked better on me than it did you
Only if you knew how much I liked you"
(Conan Gray, 2020, Heather)

Lets exchange our favorite sweater today because its Sweater Exchange Day!

by JeffDean December 3, 2020