Source Code

Secret Word

*Secret word*, *Secret wording* or *Secret worded*.
The first meaning of these words was based on the word Jizz but made for open use so the true meaning was to stay hidden from public use such as... Parents, friends or just about anyone that would say Lolz or Gay at you for the use of what the word was on.

But later became a word for more then what it was first was used for. Now it is also used to describe moments of intense joy, excitement or pleasure for the eyes ect. With the same strong meaning.

Person 1 "Did you see that insane shit in that video I sent you?"

Person 2 "Yeah man! I *secret worded* as soon as I saw it."

Person 1 "I was *secret wording* all through that video."

by Co1dfire October 3, 2010

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Secret Conversation

A thing that happens on MSN where andrew is a poo and has secret convos

Andrew had a secret conversation

by Anlard Macfat August 15, 2008

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secret gentry

When you are having sex with a girl and somewhere during it you pretend as if your almost done and pull it out and drop a little spit on her back and she thinks your done then you flip her over and keep going at it and shes like dayummmm

You can pull a secret Gentryif you are having sex with a girl and somewhere during it you pretend as if your almost done and pull it out and drop a little spit on her back and she thinks your done then you flip her over and keep going at it and shes like dayummmm

by knett41 February 11, 2009

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secret muslim

A person who has spent his life pretending not to be a Muslim, but who secretly is a Muslim and will forcibly convert the United States to Sharia Law after becoming President.

I got a fwdfwdfwd today that said Obama is a secret muslim. I was going to vote for him, but no way am I going to do that now. I'm going to vote for that old dude instead (yeah right).

by Nosredna2009 June 11, 2008

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telling secrets


(4 guys riding in a car together)
One in the back seat rolls his window down.
Driver - "Are you telling secrets back there richard?"

by cal daily January 19, 2011

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secret pony

1. a skeleton in the closet.

2. a male prostitute.

1. She was unready to confront her secret pony: the son she gave birth to as a teenager.

2. In Las Vegas, I'm gonna find a secret pony.

by BerniceMcTrick October 27, 2007

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secret makeup

to burp, fart, or perhaps shart (shit fart), and rub the gaseous scent or semi-liquid goo into someone's skin like foundation or blush.

- jennifer applied secret makeup to tony's leg while they were spooning last night.

by cantastical January 28, 2008

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