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stupid drink

1 oz. 1980's John Hughes male antagonist haircut.
2 oz. Peanut butter (low budget dog commercial formula) for the presenters mouths
1.5 oz. of vagueness and outdated 1990's spokespeople

A dash of unfair CEO influence

Serve on ice and garnish with the indignation of the NSAC

that stupid drink is going to be hard to swallow

by really?? June 6, 2009

84๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

stupid awesome

If something is "stupid awesome," it is so unreasonably awesome that only someone who is unable to reason at all, a stupid person for example, can fully appreciate how awesome that thing is without their head exploding.

Cream comes in an iced variety now? That is stupid awesome!

by Jebus "The Big One" August 11, 2007

29๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Stupid Cunt

A clueless whore that has no comprehension of how her actions affect others.

Stefanie is one stupid cunt; fuckin her friends man while she's having family problems and being a fake.

by colorectalcancer September 14, 2006

596๐Ÿ‘ 178๐Ÿ‘Ž

Go Stupid

to act stupid, crazy, like you drunk or high.(going stupid)a dance in which you shake your dreds...

People at a party in East Oakland...Jerome, has his hair in dreds, hes Going Stupid by shaking his dreds...

by Pimptress December 17, 2003

217๐Ÿ‘ 60๐Ÿ‘Ž

Stupidity Infinity

When dealing with stupid people that will always be stupid.

My manager must suffer from Stupidity Infinity as being born with the stupid gene!

by DaTruth42 February 29, 2016

inner stupidity

The stupidity that hides deep inside everyone. However, some people expose their inner stupidity very often or all the time.

Especially funny when people with good marks say or do something incredibly stupid and retarded

George Bush has shown his inner stupidity so many times that it has become his external stupidity.

"Smart Person": the band is called "foo Fighters"???? i thought it was called "food frowers"!!! hehe

by GHtool July 12, 2006


It is a primordial fragment from the original "Big Bang" of stupid. Some pure essence of a stupid, so uncontaminated by anything else, as to be beyond the laws of physics that we know.

So stupid, one could relate such a measurement to a shit-ton, or a fuck-load. Blazing hot, mid-day on mercury stupid.

Jacob: "Pudge, you are so stupid, one might infer you are trans-stupid."
Pudge: "Jacob, what does trans-stupid even mean?"
Jacob: "look in the mirror buddy, look in the mirror."

by 2004 Chevy Tahoe January 17, 2023

6๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž