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abreviation of the venue "The Boston Dome"; abreviated because all attendants are sex starved underage retards too busy having sex in the toilets/stealing drinks/pilling/etc...to manage 3 words

i feel like f**king an underager! take me to the dome

by bbbbbb October 11, 2004

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georgia dome

where the falcons play and michael vick makes opposing defenses look stupid

I wanna get you in the Georgia Dome on the 50-yard-line where the Dirty Birds kick for three -- Ludacris

by J-Smoove March 6, 2006

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dome queen

1. a female responsible for providing one with extraordinary oral pleasure
2. one's girlfriend

I'm out with my dome queen.

by Greg December 7, 2004

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halo dome

The act of reciving dome, head, oral, sexual mouth to penis pleasure while playing halo 3.

aka almost as good as a blumpkin.

may cause loss of levels.

My girlfriend said shes the best girlfriend there is because instead of bitching at me to stop playing halo but rather gives me halo dome.

by mikey mike mcmichael January 4, 2009

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Dome Goggles

The goggles that one wears while delivering oral sex.

Hey u better put on those dome goggles!

by CBAS CBAS CBAS January 9, 2011

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crome dome

a helmet that jrotc wears in coler guards

those crome domes are shiny

by jessie rice54 April 5, 2009

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Passenger Dome

The act of a driver giving the passenger of the car a blowjob while parked,idle, or moving.

Dude, I got my girl to give me passenger dome last night on highway 101 last night.

by JoseCuervo40 April 27, 2011