Ty baker is a fuckin' God and he will beat the ever living shit out of you asshole and he is super strong beat up. he has a lot of girlfriends and but half of them are girls that think there boys making him gay. Ty baker is awesome and he is cool and not sad. Ty bakers best friend is chad grieg and he is awesome
ty baker is awesome and he reads diary of a wimpy kid
A name given to a professional taxer of penny farthings
Ty sims done tax my penny farthings brow
A douche bag man, a fucking douche, but a cool douchebag. Pretty chill as fuck.
Ty Bastin is a nice guy who can be an asshole at the same time but be mellow about it.
Ty-Tiana is the name of the prettiest girl in the world. A real life princess and spoiled as hell. She can be very sweet but also very aggressive so don’t tick her off. A aggressive crybaby is the words that describe her. Very admirable and attractive her beauty will have you fall in love. Goofy as hell Although they are the life of the party, sometimes they'd rather be alone. When they date someone, they love pleasing them and are pretty good at doing it.
Boy 1- Who is that girl over there?
Boy 2- Yo that’s Ty-Tiana go get her ig!