a state of extreme worry one can feel, from current events, uncertainty of plans, weather alerts, or really just anything that can make you--as the word suggests--so, so very worried.
"i got a severe thunderstorm warning on my phone just now and i am soso very worried."
The delusion many experience while taking enormous risks with their health and their lives, during the Covid pandemic.
"You're going where??"
"Out to dinner. With friends. We're so done with being locked up."
"Don't you realize it's not safe to do that?"
"Oh, I'm being very careful."
what your mum said last night
your mum last night : you are very big sheesh
Oh what am I saying? Of course you don’t
Nazeem: Do you get to the Cloud District very often? Oh what am I saying, of course you don’t
When used with a screenname, a good way to point out a probable troll. Especially useful in a long comment war, when you can see that people are taking things way more seriously than they were probably intended.
Thank you, Cirke, very cool
Thank you, MasterBaiter, very cool
Thank you, NotAFed, very cool
Thank you, very cool, YoMamma
Very. Very much very indeed yes.
Person: I am depresso.
Me: Very.