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used for a "whatever" is amore ironical and cool way.

1 person: watcha doin?
2 person: whatevs , none of your business

by nexusshades July 30, 2023


A word used by homosexuals when they have been declined sexual acts by other men.

Frank: no I do not want to sleep with you
Jim: whatevs

by FrankfortAlabama February 12, 2024


What you say when you gave the best effort to resolve the emotional conflict, but didn't because you are stressed or just human.

Daisy: Do you care about my necklace?

Jack: I didn't know you had it.

Daisy: Okay.

Jack: Whatevs.

by Ereck Flowers April 22, 2015


a short version of the word 'whatever'

"what do you want to eat? popcorn or cotton candy"?
"whatev, doesn't matter"

by lyzzieloo January 2, 2008

[Whatever fills your pussy]

If it makes you happy, go for it

She: I'm going to shop for Lipstick at Macy's
He: Whatever fills your pussy.

by mossiears March 8, 2014

Whatever the thingy is called they warn people for blinking lights

Epilepsy warning

Insert blinky gif:

Removed it before someone gets (whatever the thingy is called they warn people for blinking lights) -Execut 2022

by Niklas? August 15, 2022


neither good nor bad

dude: how was your day?
dude 2: it was whatever, hby?

by ripzoe February 3, 2021