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Windows 10

An operating system that likes to annoy you a lot on other Windows operating systems. It also has a new version of Internet Explorer called Microsoft Edge.

Windows 10 Popup: Your PC is ready for your free upgrade.
Basically everyone: Fuck off!.

by Slav Hardbass April 23, 2018

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Windows Time

An irrational measure of time that is based on no man's reality, Windows time constantly changes values and bears no resemblance to reality. Basically, time on a sliding scale.

Husband (on cell phone) - Don't worry, honey, I am coming to get you, I'll be there in 10 minutes.

Wife - Is that real time or Windows Time?

by Kalisiin January 7, 2011

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Overton window

Spectrum/window of what's socially appropriate to talk about and when to do so time wise.

The overton window to talk about capital punishment is almost closed.

by Sexydimma August 6, 2022

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Window To Heaven

When a woman wears a button up shirt and its tight across her boobs, and the shirt comes open between the buttons.....you can see inside her shirt and see her boobs!!

Christie, thats a tight shirt you have on today, i can actually see a "window to heaven"

by Steve Dempsey June 1, 2009

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window eating

See definition by JackOfStars above. Entry corrected for spelling and punctuation.

If you're so hungry, stop window eating and just grab something!

by JBeez March 30, 2013

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window drop

Opening a window by breaking the glass. Most efficient when all the glass falls down with one strike. A good thing when rioting, looting or breaking in.

"Damn! One brick and that window drop."

by yes juanito yes November 16, 2014

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Windows ME

Windows Massive Errors. You can Usually Find Windows ME in the toilet about 8 hours after you eat. Please Upgrade to Windows 2000 Pro. or Windows XP. Windows 2000 is the Most Stable OS Ever i think.

Wife: Honney, I think our Computer got a Virus
Husband: No, Thats Just Windows ME. I Put it in This Morning

by Michael Lippa December 20, 2005

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