Only be best looking guy out there.
OMG they are a J4yd3.n!!!!
Biggest Simp in the WORLD! The type of person to ditch the boys! THE DUCKING BOYS!!! For a girl. Also has a big chode!
bitch you I r r e l e v a n t get the fuck out my face
this is the american alphabet for my 3 yr olds
The word a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z means hello
One of the main events at the Sexlympics, two bob sleds both carrying a male and female in them race to the finish line, however there is a catch, the female is from the opposing team, if she makes the male bust from oral sex before the other one does , the male’s team loses. Whoever gets to the finish line without busting wins.
“Hey man did you catch the Slob N Bob event last night?”
a word that boomers use when talking about doing anything slightly to the left of doing dishes for fun
"you boys ready for some competitive knitting, alright let's rock n' roll!"
place where onii ghost and kek will have sex on oct 19th
onii: we will go to steak n shake on oct 19 to have sex ghost and kek