A girl named Haley Morales being a bitch
Haley Morales is a hoe
and a bitch because she is a hater and a horrible person
a hoe is someone who will date any one
cough cough (ethan) cough
oh he a hoe
cough cough ethan cough
An item in Minecraft used to farm seeds or vegetables, it varies in materials like Wood, Stone, Iron, Gold and Diamond
When right-clicked it turns a block of dirt into a block of farmland on which you can plant Potatoes, Carrots, Beetroots, Melons, Pumpkins, Basic Seeds.
It is not a tool you are going to want to attack hostile mobs with
Pimp friend: Eyo Playa nice tools ya got in ya pocket (meaning the hoe)
Me (also a pimp): Respecc playa i farm all the greens with my hoes
Hoe is a term commonly used to describe a female or sometimes even male who is known to sleep around, flirt all the time, or is just an annoyance to society in general.
“Wow would you look at that hoe it must be Sophia Holmquist!”