Just like round eye definition on Urban Dictionary except for this spelling is with a w and a silent r so it's more like how an Asian would pronounce round eye
White man: do you enjoy eating Chinese food?
Chinese man:
oh I see I Chinaman so I must eat Chinese food, just like you most eat American cause you wround eye.
A condition also known as strabismus in which the eyes are not properly aligned with each other. It typically involves a lack of coordination between the eye muscles which prevents bringing the gaze of each eye to the same point in space.
That woogie eye MF didn't even have the guts to look me in the eye when I was talking to him!
The eyes you make when getting your picture taken and your friend says “show me your fuck me eyes”, but you had been drinking a lot and misheard so you thought they said “show me your Facebook eyes”.
Friend: Show me your “Fuck me eyes”
Person in picture: “He said show me your FB eyes…”
Eyes hurting from not seeing your girlfriend on ft or in person
Pretending to be inconvenienced by being overpriveleged
Flying private is such a bother (fake eye roll)
My Rolex collection is so last week (fake eye roll)
Looking after my investment portfolio is so stressful (fake eye roll)
Being a weatlty beautiful toned blonde isn’t all it’s cracked up to be (Uber fake eye roll)
another way of saying “peripheral vision”
I could see him in my rabbit’s eye