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Moron-Kruger Effect.

*not to be confused of Dunning–Kruger effect*

The Moron-Kruger Effect is a psychological phenomenon/cognitive blackhole, in which, the moron in question lacks sufficient information about a given topic and still chooses to argue as if they know it all.

Main difference between it and the Dunning–Kruger effect is that the moron actively chooses not to educate themselves and uses their previously stated arguments as I they were universally accepted.

4 notable stages of the Moron-Kruger Effect are:

• Indulging in a conversation about a topic that the moron knows/heard little or insufficient information about and shares their thoughts on it.

• When met with scrutiny, the moron will justify their takes as if they were misunderstood.

• The moron is easily enraged at the responses that they had received. Furthering his spiral into confusing misinformation with facts.

• Finally, the moron will now start to double down, knowing that they are in the wrong, yet they choose to not rectify previously made mistakes and will keep spreading misinformation.

"That guy thinks that all game developers are lazy because of the success of so-and-so and now they keep arguing about what they don't know about when proven wrong? That's the Moron-Kruger Effect!"

"My neighbor thinks 5G is cancerous because they heard it uses more power and now they think COVID-19 was a conspiracy!? Moron-Kruger Effect."

by The Zaidist Zaidasexual Zaid. September 25, 2023

Delphine Effect

A surrealist feeling of profound and utter confusion that roots in the inhabitude of seeing someone or something in a certain setting.

After buying a dog, I experienced the Delphine Effect and, therefore, gave it back.

by croissant777 July 16, 2021

Corey Effect

One's mere presence brings about order and peace. Commanded by their sheer aura of righteousness and judgement. The glare itself speaks more than a thousand words and eminates pure dominance. Named after one of the most legendary human beings to ever grace this Earth.

Guy 1: Dude... I went to a friend's place and his brothers were fighting. As soon as his dad walked into the room everything just stopped.

Guy 2: It's the Corey Effect.

by StickyButthole June 22, 2023

the bye effect

The Bye effect is a psychological phenomenon rarely experienced under the influence of psychoactive substances.
This phenomenon happens in three different stages;
First stage: When an individual is too high on a psychoactive substance (eg. LSD), they experience the thought that they want to stay under the influence for the rest of their life, and to never come down from the high.
Second stage: After the first stage, they then start to sober up and regain full cognitive clarity. Coming to the conclusion they’ll never do drugs again.
Third stage: After the individual is fully sober after said high/trip, they come to another conclusion, seemingly comical and refreshing at the time, that they were “tweaking” and would probably do the same the very next night.

“I got so high on LSD the other night, I felt The Bye Effect
“Wow really? Same.”

by Bob Philosophy November 15, 2020

an event, idea, or procedure that effects a significant shift in the current way of doing or thinking about something.

an event, idea, or procedure that effects a significant shift in the current way of doing or thinking about something.

an event, idea, or procedure that effects a significant shift in the current way of doing or thinking about something.

by January 27, 2022

The Abby Effect

When you really want to hate Abby but you can't. You try really hard to hate everything she stands for but you eventually have to give up and accept that it's an impossible challenge.

Karen: I'm trying so hard to hate Abby, but I can't. I disagree with everything she does but I still...
Mel: respect her?
Karen: Yeah, that's it. It's like it's impossible to hate her.
Mel: Looks like a case of the Abby Effect.
Karen: The what?
Mel: When you really want to hate Abby but can't.
(Even Karens suffer from the Abby Effect)

by Elijah Mikaelson February 3, 2025

Tyson Effect

Name after famed boxer Mike Tyson. When someone in their youth was careless, reckless, or lost in their ways, only to, later in life reflect and articulate, how misguided their intentions were and use the experience to affect positive change.

Nate Diaz seems to be experiencing, the Tyson Effect, as he looks back over his career with some regrets.

by Literary Architect March 23, 2022