Poop is brown, stinky, and comes out of your butthole. Immature kids find it funny, aka me.
Guy 1: "I need to poop"
Guy 2: *laughs*
Poop is something that comes out of uranus. You might not want to do this while having sex.
Shreck pooped all over Mario's couch and bathroom.
She pooped on the man's dick mid-sex. It was disgusting.
a big stinky plop plop that goes drop drop
ayo i heard you pooped maaaannnnn that sure do stankk
Poop comes from your ass and comes in tons of different shapes also it can be solid or liquid
So your wondering what types of poop are there well there’s a lot
#1 the machine gun the little pebels of shit that come out of your ass like a machine gun
#2 the normal one the solid and ordinary poop that you are probably always gonna have unless you have candy or such
#3 Diaria you know the shitty liquid that your body makes really let’s just describe it as a shitty day
#4 nuggets so u think your gonna have the amazing normal shit but really your just gonna get nuggets that come out of ur ass
Poop comes from your ass and comes in tons of different shapes also it can be solid or liquid
So your wondering what types of poop are there well there’s a lot
#1 the machine gun the little pebels of shit that come out of your ass like a machine gun
#2 the normal one the solid and ordinary poop that you are probably always gonna have unless you have candy or such
#3 Diaria you know the shitty liquid that your body makes really let’s just describe it as a shitty day
#4 nuggets so u think your gonna have the amazing normal shit but really your just gonna get nuggets that come out of ur ass