The only thing in League of Legends that makes you happy.
Yuumi(voiceline): Fishy fishy fish on my dishy dishy dish
It's the only thing in League of Legends that makes you happy.
Yuumi(voiceline): Fishy fishy fish on my dishy dishy dish!
When you are with a group of friends and you order a main entree of fish for the table as an appetizer.
Hey friends. I just ordered table fish for us. So relax and enjoy the friends.
When you and your best friend whip out their penises and slap them on the table. Loudest or most unique slap wins the match.
Hey Pete, you in for another round of table fish?
1. Like Catfishing, but specifically designed to catch attention starved Milfs.
2. Digitally impersonating a person that a Milf flirts with in order to get her to sext you or send you erotic videos.
3. Stalking a Milf on social media; seeing who she flirts with; creating a fake profile impersonating that person; following what the person you're impersonating posts; privately messaging her from the imposter account with made-up personal details about those incidents until she trusts you, and starts to send you sexts and homemade videos. This is often followed by selling these sexts and videos to amateur porn sites.
Dude, that Milf is flirting with Tim like crazy. I bet Milf Fishing would be easy with her.
I pretended to be Bobby and Milf Fished some skanky videos from Lexie. Her husband would kill her if he knew.
Every woman is different and there's plenty of fish in the sea.
Slippin Salmon Sunday
Minnow Monday
Toonie Tuna Tuesday
Whale Wednesday
Trouts be thirsty on Thursdays
Federal Fishes Friday
Floppy Sardine Saturday
So that being said, all bitches are fishes!
A situation where a eagle drops a fish as it flies by and takes out your bathroom window. Despite the laws of physics, gravity and common sense- it happens.
I had a drive-by flying fishing at my house. Bastards got me and broke my window. ‘Merica!