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What it says in The Urban Dictionary when you are creating a definition for it.

A word is a word. end of story.

by TheGirlWhoGossipsInTheCorner July 18, 2022


Software by Microsoft. Its main purpose is to give you a headache, then destroy your computer.

Person #1: Should I consider using Microsoft Word?
Person #2: Hell no!

by OnionyMoaning May 19, 2017


The thing this website told me to type in the box above this one

What's the word on those molestation charges? Did the cover story work?

by CoolCat2004 February 24, 2020


A simple affirmative response.

Synonymous with the word, "affirmative".

Damn yo! That girl was hot!
Response: Word.

by ON NomNom November 17, 2018


Type your definition here...

Type an example of how it's used in a sentence...

word is a word

by Sigma-man the 3rd Jr May 8, 2024


all words in existence

words are words

by THE ANNOYING COMMENTER October 22, 2020


A very offensive slang word used in "da dodge"

"What the word"

by urmumisafarminghoe June 12, 2022