Plan b is something that you can tease your friends which calls them a stripper
Friend 1: oy
Friend 2: hm?
Friend 1: Ur a plan b
Friend 2: all you talk about is plan b u female dog
B S music = 'buy something' , or; bullshit !! the obligatory "music" one can NEVER ESCAPE !!
played eternally @ sports arenas and places of trade. marketeers seem to feel SOME sort of variety of "tunage"
is DE RIGUER !! , and loosens the resistance to parting with $$$$ !! - that people are SCARED of dead QUIET !!
SOMETHING MUST be polluting the air, ALWAYS !!
'prescribing' probably 70+ years of music for people of ALL ages ?? i really don't think so !!
nick and scott @ peter eaters game: nick: I HATE this ditty !! scott: that's the B S music !! , let's go and get some DUNG WRAPS !!
tv: the B S music on that commercial casts a dark pall over my normally sunny personality
i went into the walgreen's store @ christmas, and heard NO B S music !! i was; HUHH ??
the urban dict. editor 'bumped' my def. , then was TORTURED by B S music while shopping @ foolsley's !!
i've ALWAYS had 'trouble' with this tune ! , thought he/she...
What lesbians call secret orgies. Bang under cover & bond.
Hey Mandy wanna come over later?
-Yeah let's do operation b.u.c. & b!
Haha yeah text me! I think Katelyn & Stephanie are coming too!
Also known as BBBBBBBB, B8, B^8 and other similar names. The 8 B's stand for "Blonde Bae Bin Bag Bimbo Bobesha Bestie Boo" and is often used as a nickname for young posh girls from England
Dom: Hey, B⁸ nice to meet you
B⁸ (Kie): Thank you Dom I will stream weird! It's my favorite album
valorant moment
me when im pushing bsite be like: yo im top fragging
can we push b site? i dont think the enemies will be a.
A over controlling maniac who loves to torture those who have already died from insceasent cries. He is also a duck overlord in which his ducks are the souls of the dead, but salty by Ben's actions.
Oh no Ben B-B has stolen my ducks.
Someone who drinks a B-drink; a young woman hired to sit at a bar and induce the customers to buy her drinks, or spend money at the bar; a B-girl.
"That po gal." Jones explored a booth with the broom. "Hustlin water, runnin erran. Whoa!" "Ring up the precinct about her. She's a B-drinker."