An idiot. A useless person. Usually thinks the sun shines out their ass, but is mistaken.
1.)A Mixture and Blend Of all genres of rock, Not sticking to certain genre, subgenre label.
2.) Combination of every type of rock n roll.
3.) A new blend of rock n roll with a divergent sound and different outlook on the perspective of music.
4.) The freedom and ability of not having to stick to the same labeled style of music.
Divergent rock and watermelon.
When you put two fingers in the anus and the thumb in the vagina like holding an oyster and then lick the clit like you are tipping the oyster into your mouth.
I was so horny and hungry that I gave her the old Sydney Rock Oyster.
A girl who enjoys using pop rocks while being vaginally penetrated.
M: She put pop rocks in her vag bro.
D: Oh so she's a pop rock girl
half erect penis while still maintaining malleability; sportin' a half chub;
I've been rocking jelly since we picked up that sexy hitchhiker an hour ago.
Your mom's tits got me rocking jelly.
When you butt-dial a rock&roll song.
I had a pocket rock and began to jam.