a girl that does nothing for thy also talk to multiple men without caring or self respect
You see her over there she a hoe👎🏾
An upside down kangaroo that has down syndrome and keep trying to gets it finger stuck up its asshole
Fuck she a hoe she really tying to get that finger up her asshole
A women or a girl at a young age talk to damn ner every boy including the ones not from your hometown
Marrionna added every boy from the fair yesterday she was acting like a hoe💯‼️👌🏾
A person that is a part of Prostitution or is a “bitch”
Girl: hey did you hear that Sabrina slept with two different guys recently?
Friend: wait frrr??!?!?!
Girl: yeah, she’s such a hoe!
Friend: agreed!
A bitch that fuck any nigga and body count more than 6 . A bitch that doesn’t care and her name is all over the town / school . A bitch that would let anybody fuck because they ( fine ) < that’s a HOE
A hoe is a person who is unloyal who will do things with others while in a relationship or multiple people at a time