The Author of the first Alien encounter crash site over N. texas. (Aurora) April 17th 1897. Demolition of a whindmill and a craft that bursted into flames was discoverd. 6 years before the first development of the human aircrafts/planes. A well was caped with the wreckage in 1957. A strage illness was documented after the handeling of the materials and supposed alien lifeform. Images from the early 1970's have been documented along with mutiple testamoney's of the Alien piolets remains beeing seen. Scrutinised photos were in 1897, 1895, and so on. Molten mixture of aluminum and Silver. Debries have been found in that area since.
Other sitings in that time frame include Chicago, Il., Ca., Mo., NE., ect. The sceptical site was on Judge Procters land in the 1890's. Myth, legend, or cover up?
Penny; I've been studying this account since I was a child.
David c: Silly girl, aliens don't exist. It's propaganda
Penny: There is accounts by S. E. Hayden as weel as many others that reported incedents.
David c; Your crazy
Penny: I know that man. But, I like that I don't believe everything like the status zombie community now in existance.
David c; I'll have to look that up one day. Any theory's on God?
Penny: The story's of him and horus are very similar works of writing so I still do not have the answers for you. i'd like to see the new Pyramid sitings in Egypt though.
A fetishisation of aliens and other non-earthly beings. Can be for any appendages or features of the creature. More often than not, it is for the general incomprehensible and indescribable nature of the alien. These feelings cause arousement for those who have this fetish.
That guy is a bit of a freak, he told me he likes q u v e r t
A fetishisation of aliens and another non-earthly beings. Can be for any appendages or features of the creature, more often than not, it is for the general incomprehensibe and indescribable nature of the alien. These feelings cause arousement for those that have this fetish.
That guy is a bit of a freak, he told me he likes q u v e r t
A fetishisation of aliens and another non-earthly beings. Can be for any appendages or features of the creature, more often than not, it is for the general incomprehensibe and indescribable nature of the alien. These feelings cause arousement for those that have this fetish.
That guy is a bit of a freak, he told me he likes q u v e r t
A very un-kawaii person that uses discord every day and doesnt get off unless there's something wrong with it. They're usually a 69 y/o man using discord trying to find a e-daddy or their 10 y/o kid trying to get free robux buy using discord.
This is my lovely e-kitten, she makes me so happy and I give her stuff!
a girl that is not noticed by anybody at school, has little friends, (which are also emo e girls), and cuts her rists for attention, hoping people would notice that she wants to be noticed. (which they dont) these emo e girls usually are interested in anime, wear baggy clothes, and black Converse.
ya boi: bruh who the new girl
ya other boi: shes an emo e girl
ya boi: why her rists look like they've been cheese graded?
ya other boi: attention
A 16 year old guitarist who speaks Russian and looks like big chungus
Person: H O S E is such a noob