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Back Nuts

When you're laying in bed and your girlfriend or other kicks you in the butt during a joke and it hits your nuts from the behind with 1 nut or 2 hanging by your butt crack

Babe stop kicking me you might hit my back nuts!

by InfinityApe August 20, 2019

back nuts

everybody has back nuts

trevor got hit in the back nuts
your freezing your back nuts off
give me a back nut

by tre tre stacy January 16, 2009

back up conversation

The secondary text message exchange you keep going in case the main conversation goes cold

It took Brittany forever to respond to my text message. I think I was her back up conversation.

by Words and music December 4, 2015

Jœl Back Clamp

Where a woman rides your fucking back while a car hose clamp, coated in whale oil harvested in the Scandinavian Sea, is clamped to your fucking dick.

John: Hey, Babe, i just got some Whale oil

Bessy: Where from?

John: The Sea of Scandinavia

Bessy: I'll get the hose clamp

John: You gonna give me a Jœl Back Clamp?

Bessy: Fuck yeah, Daddy!

by Yesdaddyyesyesyesyes January 5, 2024

rent back

After closing on a home, this is one last opportunity for the former homeowner to get one over on you by requesting 29 days of rent free living.

Realtor: yeah in this market you gotta let them do the rent back for 29 days. Sorry brah. New owner: oh cool! Can't wait to be bent over a barrel one last time with my housing search!

by Clinic4l June 9, 2022

Back of the fanny pack

Something composed or performed quickly and without detailed analysis or research.

Made popular in Danish commodity trading companies by Peter Fedders.

Just a quick back of the fanny pack calculation shows that we are in the money

by majonese December 19, 2019

Dump on your back

Basically absolutely covering one’s back in cum

Me: I’m gonna dump on your back
Them: oh no

by PapiZapotec February 13, 2022