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Gollum Juice

Acording to legend the actor of Gollum needed this Juice to recouperate his voice to be able to continue voicing the character.
It's finely sliced Ginger brewed with boiling water. After letting it stew for a few minutes ad fresh lemon juice and honey.
Very good for a rough voice and soothing for a cold.
We just started calling it Gollum Juice.

I really need a Gollum Juice. Could you bring me some ginger from you'r shopping trip?

by jucyb March 22, 2022

Plant Juice

A relatively new type of juice which has seen its origins in Robertson, South Africa. This type of juice is derived from Jelly Fish Semen mixed with many different types of liquids including a small ratio of alcohol. It’s brewers mainly serve it and have always called it plant juice as the semen in its early stages looks like a plant.

The Kelly family went to the sea to find Jellyfish so that they can start brewing plant juice.

by Jellyfish_Juice May 16, 2019

Sweat Juices

Body Juice that comes from armpits

OH no my sweat juices have leaked all over the place

by Starkiller78 October 24, 2022

Juiced from the side

To be juiced from the side means to be paid under the table for unrelated services to the main task at hand.

Being Juiced from the side means A contract employee being tipped out for additional services

by Jamba Juiceman March 25, 2022

lectro juice

Oil for electronic ciggarettes.

Got any lectro juice.

by scrindlebeeper January 6, 2019


A juice-squirter is a person who has more physical reactivity than brains. The brains may disproportionately be constituted of extra blood vessels and other non-thinking matter, rather than actual functioning neural networks.

Say ANYTHING or give ANY information to a juice-squirter. The juice-squirter will always assume a personal reaction, and then have an episode of feelings and emotions that last for ages.

Juice squirters, when they're not looking for approval or making displays, are usually trying to get reactions out of others, in an attempt to soften them up for domination, while creating a sense of safety, because they cannot actually be of real social value, or truly decent people at all, ultimately.


"Every time *name* would have a conversation with someone, or do anything requiring paying attention, he would immediately start to gush and spout totally uncomposed thoughts. *Name* was one example of a type of idiot called a juice-squirter."

A juice-squirter's commentary:

"If inheritance qualifies one for office, intelligence cannot be a requirement" - John Kenneth Galbraith

"If you're going through hell, keep going." - Winston Churchill, a juice-squirter with some extra fat for thinking in his brain...or someplace.

by DanZhukovin October 3, 2019

e juice

e juice is juice made from an egirl or eboy

bro: hey man im just drinking some e juice bro
eboy/egirl: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

by yeetisland September 22, 2019