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Trump Republic

The new name that will be given to the grounds of Maralago in Florida after he leaves the White House at the end of his term.

Basically Trump will turn the grounds of Maralgo into a "Micro Nation".

Person 1: Did you hear that a micro nation has formed inside Florida?

Person 2: Where in Florida?
Person1: On the grounds of Maralago, the name of the micro nation is Trump Republic.

by MST3K I like November 26, 2020

Trump Walled

To ruin one's plans; to sabotage something; to interfere with one's action or goal.

Damnit Brian! You Trump walled my focus on this assignment!
Brian: "Did you get the math assignment done?"
Mike: "No, I got Trump walled by question five."

by MagicMike88 November 24, 2021

Trump Walled

To ruin one's plans; to sabotage something; to interfere with one's action or goal.

Damnit Brian! You Trump walled my focus on this assignment!

by MagicMike88 November 24, 2021

Come up trumps

Dig someone out of a hole, or do something that turns the tide and turns the situation into a success, particularly at the last minute and when unexpected, with all hope lost.
Same as come through for someone in the clutch, only an older phrase, and more precise, better conveying the sense of "in the nick of time", and "unexpected".

Look at it like this- played out action movie scenario: there are three guys fighting. 2 vs 1. One of them gets knocked out cold, and then the guy that knocked him out pulls out a gun and is about to finish off the other guy. Just when he is about to pull the trigger and send him to kingdom come, he gets hit in the head/ shot in the back etc by someone, and we see that someone is the guy who was out cold.

He came up trumps.

My old junker broke down and left me stranded in the middle of nowhere, but this guy came up trumps and gave me a ride.
#come up trumps

This bully started pushing me around, but Daniel came up trumps just when I was about to get my ass kicked big time, and took him down a few pegs.

by Barzagli September 22, 2017

trump riche

An extreme form of nouveau riche, where one constantly brags about being very wealthy but either can't or refuses to prove it; and accompanied with a taste for very gaudy rich-appearing decor (often baroque--sounds like "broke") that is combined with items or behavior normally associated with low-class or trashy people. Trying to appear classy and rich but not knowing what actual classy behavior is nor what styles and valuables truly wealthy people possess.

A trump riche person might eat over-cooked steak at a fancy restaurant and cover it with ketchup, or dip sushi in tarter sauce cups while wearing an ill-fitting suit with an Armani tag pinned over a "made in 'gina" label.

A trump riche person might serve a stack of Big Macs and Filet-o-Fish sandwiches on silver-plated platters, while directing their tuxedo'd waiter to light a gold-plated baroque candelabra to provide ambiance while he talks about how wealthy he is: "people are saying I'm the wealthiest person to ever do this. It's true. A lot of people wouldn't be so generous. I make the best deals--everbody says that. I got a discount on these burgers. They only wanted to give me a 10% senior discount. I said make it 20, or I back out--NO DEAL. Make it 20, that's what I said. And you know what? They gave it to me. Nobody else could have done that."

"That trump riche motherfucker just left me a two-fifty tip on a 500 bill, told me to go back to Mexico (I'm Lebanese!), and took his own roll of TP to the bathroom. When he walked out to his limo, that tp was dragging of his shoe though."

by smugdragon January 15, 2019

Trump Minions

A Trump Minion is nothing more than a yes person, a shameless, poorly educated servant to Donald J Trump.

Who are those people behind that fence wearing red hats and shamelessly draped in the American flag, oh you mean the Trump Minions

by Former_Covid_Carrier October 27, 2021

Trump neck

When a woman's vagina is visible through her pants, as it looks like Donald Trumps neck. Basicly a synonym for a camel toe.

Tom: did you see sara's trump neck?
Daniel: yeah, she's making yoga pants great again!

by pat262 January 30, 2017